Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – May 2022, a Flowy Skirt Outfit I Copied from a Pharmaceutical Commercial

Hi friends!

I’m always looking for outfits that would look good for what I want to do with my legs affected by lipedema.  In general, they need to cover them, or look cute with compression, and I need to be able to find pieces (or similar pieces) online on Amazon so others can copycat right with me. My other criteria is that it needs to fit my real world style, so it’d be great if it looks professional and like a person of my age (almost 50 who thinks they’re in their 20s! Ha!)

So here I was at home on night this last month, minding my own business with the TV on, when a commercial for Rybelsus (a diabetes drug) came on with this lady wearing the outfit below, and I thought, ‘wow that’s a cute outfit that I could do.’ And that’s how this month’s outfit started.

Here’s the drug model image – my inspiration!

The lady from the Rybelsus Commercial – she’s even on their webpage.





And here’s my version.  And look, I’m wearing my Sand colored bioflects under this flowy dress!

So here are the pieces and parts from the bottom up:

Shoes:  If you follow my facebook you know the shoes are the subject of a “love it or hate it” post from Munro American shoes that I’ve owned for fifteen or so years.  They feel great but the little openings are places for swelling to go so without modifications, my vote right now is a hard NO on the shoes.  I may mod them to put something in the little windows of doom.  As with every pair of Munros I’ve owned over the years, the soles are pretty comfortable.  It’s a good brand but not designed for swelling feet.

The skirt is from Amazon.  I couldn’t find the orange color so I went with the fun yellow.  The one I have linked has several colors, including a fun red that caught my eye too.  And it’s flowy and I love it.  I was throwing around the idea of using it as a bathing suit cover up (just pulled up to the armpits) like for a Hawaii trip or something.  So you may see the skirt in an upcoming swimming post.

Compression:  I’m wearing my Sand colored bioflects in a 3x under the dress.  Note these are the capris and I’m nearly six feet fall.  Bioflects are long.  (Also I typically wear a size 24 for reference).

Tshirt from Amazon.  This is a 3x in Grayish Green color.

Jacket from Amazon.  It was $52 so I normally would root something out of my own closet, but I needed a navy jacket for some Girl Scout stuff coming up, so I made the investment.  This one has straps on the outside to adjust the waist, which I love.

Necklace from Amazon.  These necklaces never look as long on me as they do smaller models, but that’s OK.  I think it’s really cool and it was $7!

All in all a good work or wedding outfit.  Very pretty fabrics that I felt comfortable in, and so can you!

I’m totally wearing this to work on my in-the-office-day this week!


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