Fall 2023 Lipedema Friendly Outfits – Date Night / World Domination Black Outfit

Hi Friends! I’m just going to say, I love this freaking outfit! Before I started wearing compression, I never would have worn a just-below-the-knee skirt and been happy about it.  Now that I wear compression, it has opened up so many opportunities to try different lengths with more confidence. Let’s start at the bottom ofContinue reading “Fall 2023 Lipedema Friendly Outfits – Date Night / World Domination Black Outfit”

Lipedema Friendly Outfit – Add Two Accessories to a Monochrome Base to Represent the Barbie Trend

Hi friends! I’m having so much fun putting together the Fall 2023 looks of Lipedema Friendly Outfits for you.  I’m actually going to use this look for two separate posts.  One is about the Bad Girl outfit I’m wearing, but this one is about using two simple accessories to create a put-together look and drawContinue reading “Lipedema Friendly Outfit – Add Two Accessories to a Monochrome Base to Represent the Barbie Trend”