If You Have “Hard” Areas in your Lipedema Tissue, it could be Fibrosis – Ways to, At Least, Fight the Battle

Hi friends! Let’s talk about fibrosis.  We don’t talk about it enough and its a pretty big, actually MAJOR issue for women with lipedema.  This is an area where I’m still learning so I highly advise consulting your certified lymphedema therapist or PT for assistance.  And if you look at my picture below, you’ll seeContinue reading “If You Have “Hard” Areas in your Lipedema Tissue, it could be Fibrosis – Ways to, At Least, Fight the Battle”

SURPRISE! All of My Lipedema Books are FREE on Kindle April 18-22 to Celebrate FDRS – GO GET EM!

Hi friends! I’ll be attending Fat Disorders Resource Society again this year.  And for the second year in a row, to celebrate this important event, I’m giving ALL of my lipedema books away for free on Kindle!  This is from April 18-22 only (probably starting at midnight Central time!) FDRS is such an important eventContinue reading “SURPRISE! All of My Lipedema Books are FREE on Kindle April 18-22 to Celebrate FDRS – GO GET EM!”