Lipedema Friendly Outfit for the Hottest Days of the Year

Hi friends! Here in Oklahoma, it is blazing hot now, and for the next couple of weeks.  Wearing compression is more important to me than normal when it’s hot and humid outside, as that combination triggers my legs to swell.  Of course, it’s the time of year when it’s most difficult to wear compression becauseContinue reading “Lipedema Friendly Outfit for the Hottest Days of the Year”

Connecting you with products that are helpful to lipedema and hypermobility – a seriously plus size knee brace – FINALLY!

Hi friends! Many of us have knee issues related to lipedema, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or osteoarthritis.  And we could really benefit from maxi sized knee braces to help us along. In the journey of maintaining an active and fulfilling lifestyle, few things are as crucial as having strong and healthy knees. These remarkable joints bearContinue reading “Connecting you with products that are helpful to lipedema and hypermobility – a seriously plus size knee brace – FINALLY!”

Understanding Comorbidities Associated with Lipedema: Beyond the Swelling

Hi friends!  I see so many posts on the forums that start like this…”anyone else out there also have POTS, HEDS, MCAS…?”  A lot of times this will trigger multiple responses from ladies who have more than one thing going on, with lipedema being our overlap.  So I thought I’d put together some information toContinue reading “Understanding Comorbidities Associated with Lipedema: Beyond the Swelling”

Managing Lipedema with Compression Garments: Unveiling the Benefits

Hi friends! Here’s a beginner’s guide to why we need compression.  I hope this helps someone out there! What is Lipedema? Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat in the legs, hips, and buttocks, often causing pain, discomfort, and mobility issues. While there is no cure for lipedema, various managementContinue reading “Managing Lipedema with Compression Garments: Unveiling the Benefits”

Navigating Change: When is it Time to Start Using a Mobility Aid?

Hi friends! I’ve been back from my cruise, that was filled with well, first, ya know, a triathlon, then a week of walking everywhere and SO.  Many.  Stairs.  By the end of the week I was really making sure to use the elevator as much as I could and avoid stairs at all costs.  ThereContinue reading “Navigating Change: When is it Time to Start Using a Mobility Aid?”

Tips for Cruising with Lipedema, Bad Knees and Hypermobility

Hi friends! I’ve just returned from a 5-day cruise to Mexico with my adult kids.  This is the first time I’ve cruised since my hypermobility and knee damage has kicked into full gear, so I learned a few tips and tricks that I thought I’d share with you. This may be especially helpful if you’veContinue reading “Tips for Cruising with Lipedema, Bad Knees and Hypermobility”

Answer to an FAQ: Should I Wear my Compression All Day and All Night? A Vulnerable Op Ed

Hi friends! Let me start off by saying this is a conversation for your doctor, but here’s my opinion based on personal experience and research that I’ve been doing. There is a lot of research on several conditions showing that wearing compression garments can be beneficial for not only lipedema, but other conditions.  I loveContinue reading “Answer to an FAQ: Should I Wear my Compression All Day and All Night? A Vulnerable Op Ed”

So, I Wrote a 300 Page Book of Lipedema Lady Art in One Day, and It’s Pretty Great!

Hi friends! To get this party started, if you’d like to see the book and even purchase a coffee table version, here’s the link to the book I’m talking about: Now we can start.  I’ve been researching an upcoming set of posts about how society can support women with lipedema.  One of the ideasContinue reading “So, I Wrote a 300 Page Book of Lipedema Lady Art in One Day, and It’s Pretty Great!”

Let’s Talk about Fatigue, a REAL Symptom of Lipedema, and What You Can Do About it Today

Hi Friends, Like many of you, I experience fatigue as one of the most prevalent symptoms that go along with lipedema.  It’s overwhelming sometimes, and I find myself napping more frequently than I’d like to be as effective as I want.  How to combat fatigue with lipedema isn’t often discussed other than the suggestion that,Continue reading “Let’s Talk about Fatigue, a REAL Symptom of Lipedema, and What You Can Do About it Today”

My Visit to JunoActive, my Favorite Plus Size Swimsuit (and clothing) Manufacturer

Hi Friends! I’m home from the coolest opportunity.  I was able to drive up to Burnsville, MN to visit JunoActive.  This is the company that makes the swimwear I frequently feature on my site, and exclusively featured in the more than 100 photos in my latest book, Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema (I evenContinue reading “My Visit to JunoActive, my Favorite Plus Size Swimsuit (and clothing) Manufacturer”