Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – May 2022, a Flowy Skirt Outfit I Copied from a Pharmaceutical Commercial

Hi friends! I’m always looking for outfits that would look good for what I want to do with my legs affected by lipedema.  In general, they need to cover them, or look cute with compression, and I need to be able to find pieces (or similar pieces) online on Amazon so others can copycat rightContinue reading “Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – May 2022, a Flowy Skirt Outfit I Copied from a Pharmaceutical Commercial”

A Whirlwind Week! In a GREAT Way! Travel, and Shoes and Education Groups. Oh My!

Wow ya’ll! I’ve spent the last week working away at so many things (in addition to my paying job) for lipedema.  I feel that 2022 is the year that we’re making a giant leap in research, awareness, and serving the sometimes looked-over community with lipedema. I’ve just posted about my involvement with the Lipedema EducationContinue reading “A Whirlwind Week! In a GREAT Way! Travel, and Shoes and Education Groups. Oh My!”

Celebrating the Medical Professionals Who are Dedicated to Making Lipedema Patient Lives Better

Hi friends, If you follow many of the facebook support groups for women with lipedema, you’ve probably seen a new movement in our ranks:  We are doing writing campaigns to educate doctors and clinicians who have not responded well to our requests to diagnose or discuss lipedema.  In the first weeks alone, I completely depletedContinue reading “Celebrating the Medical Professionals Who are Dedicated to Making Lipedema Patient Lives Better”

First Nine Days’ Progress on Making Shoes for Us! Market Research and Shoe Consultants

Hi Friends, I’ll start the begging now and just get it out there.  If you’re financially able and would like to support this project, I’ll be doing a Kickstarter once I have shoe prototypes to show you.  However, my Patreon page is also open with many funding levels available now to help me get fromContinue reading “First Nine Days’ Progress on Making Shoes for Us! Market Research and Shoe Consultants”

Where’s Lorna, the Lovely Lipedema Lady from the BBC Documentary?

One of the first documentaries I saw about lipedema was Lorna’s Story. I really related to it. It’s an hour worth watching. Also, does anyone know Lorna and how’s she doing?  If you know her, have her update us! 

It is Important to Educate Young Women about Lipedema – Don’t Wait Until Your 30’s

Hi there friends! I’ve sent out quite a few LegsLikeMine Girl Scout fun patches this week.  I wanted to take a minute to tell you why this is important to me. Studies show that lipedema symptoms start at or even before puberty, but that it’s not diagnosed until mid 30’s to late 40’s in theContinue reading “It is Important to Educate Young Women about Lipedema – Don’t Wait Until Your 30’s”

June is Lipedema Awareness Month – How Can We Share the Word? Your comments welcome!

Hi friends, We do a pretty good job of sharing information for folks who are already aware they have lipedema and are in our community already. I’m looking for your thoughts and ideas about what we can do (online, free or cheap) that can help spread awareness of the condition outside of those already inContinue reading “June is Lipedema Awareness Month – How Can We Share the Word? Your comments welcome!”

A product to fix The Booty Gap? Testing Starts at LLM

I used to joke and say I had, “government butt,” because it looked like I sit all day in a government issue chair. How many of you have had it happen where your underwear hang out the top of the back of your pants? It’s because pants weren’t designed with us in mind but IContinue reading “A product to fix The Booty Gap? Testing Starts at LLM”

I Need Your Brains, Friends! Seeking Focus Group Volunteers for Shoes, Boots, and Sandals Made with Lipedema Ladies in Mind!

Girls, can you help me (and us out), please? Bottom line, I need to know what your shoe needs, wants, complaints and loves are so we can make shoes for us – women with extended size calves, swollen feet, and sassy attitudes (OK I just threw that in).  I’m setting up five zoom sessions onContinue reading “I Need Your Brains, Friends! Seeking Focus Group Volunteers for Shoes, Boots, and Sandals Made with Lipedema Ladies in Mind!”

Join Me on Patreon to Help Create More Content for our Lipedema Community!

Hi friends, I’ve decided to set up a Patreon site as folks have been asking how they can provide financial support to LegsLikeMine.  This especially helps when it comes to trying products and putting together the lipedema-friendly outfits.  If you can, join me on Patreon.  And everyone is welcome here, to keep learning more andContinue reading “Join Me on Patreon to Help Create More Content for our Lipedema Community!”