Fall 2023 Lipedema Friendly Outfits – Date Night / World Domination Black Outfit

Hi Friends! I’m just going to say, I love this freaking outfit! Before I started wearing compression, I never would have worn a just-below-the-knee skirt and been happy about it.  Now that I wear compression, it has opened up so many opportunities to try different lengths with more confidence. Let’s start at the bottom ofContinue reading “Fall 2023 Lipedema Friendly Outfits – Date Night / World Domination Black Outfit”

Answer to an FAQ: Should I Wear my Compression All Day and All Night? A Vulnerable Op Ed

Hi friends! Let me start off by saying this is a conversation for your doctor, but here’s my opinion based on personal experience and research that I’ve been doing. There is a lot of research on several conditions showing that wearing compression garments can be beneficial for not only lipedema, but other conditions.  I loveContinue reading “Answer to an FAQ: Should I Wear my Compression All Day and All Night? A Vulnerable Op Ed”

The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap

Hi Friends! I’ve just returned from my second FDRS conference.  This one was in Atlanta and had numerous patients, therapists, surgeons, clinicians and vendors in attendance.  It’s a great event to learn about all the new research initiatives and outcomes related to fat disorders, of which lipedema is the largest group represented at the conference.Continue reading “The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap”

Answer to an FAQ: How Long Can I Wear the Same Compression?

WARNING!  These compression pants will self destruct in 3-2-1… Hi friends! As I was getting dressed this morning, I heard the dreaded sound of the “warning hole” being torn open in my Bioflect Capris.  Darn it.  And once the Warning Hole has opened up, I’m good for two more washes before, piece by piece, theyContinue reading “Answer to an FAQ: How Long Can I Wear the Same Compression?”

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Is Athletic Compression (Old Navy) Good Enough for Lipedema?

Hi Friends, here’s a post for you to answer an FAQ. I see this question all the time.  I have lipedema – can I just buy off the shelf athletic (for some reason people ask specifically about Old Navy) compression leggings instead of leggings/stockings designed for medical purposes? Short answer:  Well, I don’t recommend it,Continue reading “Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Is Athletic Compression (Old Navy) Good Enough for Lipedema?”

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Does Compression Really Work? Also, a New Research on Compression is Out.

Hi Friends, I know so many ladies with lipedema and lymphedema.  We are all at various stages of trying to figure out how to manage, or even ignore our lipedema symptoms and hope they’ll go away.  A question I get a lot from those who are just learning about lipedema involves the use of compression. Continue reading “Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Does Compression Really Work? Also, a New Research on Compression is Out.”

Lipedema (Compression) Friendly Outfit – Casual Saturday Tshirts

I’m sorry ya’ll.  I’m a sucker for a colorful mural and cannot help myself.  I wasn’t really planning on sharing an outfit today but, ya know. My husband and I were out for Saturday breakfast, and we passed this mural and had to stop.  So this is literally what I was wearing today. I have manyContinue reading “Lipedema (Compression) Friendly Outfit – Casual Saturday Tshirts”

I’ve owned My BioFlect Leggings for One Hour, and I’m in Love.

I remember going to see the Nutcracker as a kid and having to dress up.  My mom bought me some control top panty hose to wear with a dress to the event.  Not even halfway through the play, my hose rolled down and stopped halfway across my bum.  I sat through the rest of theContinue reading “I’ve owned My BioFlect Leggings for One Hour, and I’m in Love.”

I’m on the Hunt for Comfortable Compression Once Again!

Last week, I purchased two new pieces of compression suggested by my certified therapist.  Both are going back because the knee high socks are just, well, painful and not sized as advertised.  The leggings are so compressing that I feel my heart beat in my face, so that’s not good.  Also, going back. This week,Continue reading “I’m on the Hunt for Comfortable Compression Once Again!”