Could Using Kinesiology Tape Help You Manage Swelling?

Could Using Kinesiology Tape Help You Manage Swelling?

Every now and then I see folks talking about using the kind of tape we see on athletes, called kinesiology tape, to help with swelling.  This reminds me of when I had a really bout of tendonitis in my foot not too long ago before trip to NYC, which I knew would involve a lot of walking. My physical therapist showed me how to tape my foot and leg to reduce swelling and get me through without a hitch.  I also liked it that I could wear the tape for a couple of days, and swim or shower in it.

Note I’m not a doctor, but this is something worth sharing and trying, especially if you have a particular swelling issue.  I’m wondering, and would like feedback, if we could use it to tape up a cuffed area, even short term.  I may pull my roll out again and see if I can make my lumps behave.  I’ll post a pic if I make any progress with this.  This stuff comes in all kinds of widths and colors, but here’s a link to just one type to get you started on the hunt.

If you have a Certified Lymphedema Therapist working with you, you can always bring your supplies in to your next massage visit and talk with them about how they recommend taping to help your swelling as well.

Here’s a video showing one way to tape for swelling.  If you have any luck using this tape, or this is what you do already, please comment here or in the chat groups.  Maybe it can help someone else!

Image from Rock Tape Video YouTube

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