I Accidentally Used the Weed Eater on my Own Leg in 1998. And So, a Picture Was Taken

Hi friends!

If you’ve followed me for very long, you know that my husband (www.robohara.com) Rob documents Everything, including dumb incidents like the time I accidentally used the Weed Eater on my own leg.  In fairness, I didn’t do it on purpose, but my finger hit the trigger while I was walking to a new grass cutting spot.  Once Rob and I determined I was OK, the camera came out.  And somehow, we now have an inadvertent documentation of what my legs looked like before lipedema and lymphedema sat in.

I would have been 26 years old, newly married, and hadn’t yet gone through fertility treatments, pregnancies and all the associated hormone changes.  So, if you can look past the bloody gashes, you’ll see a regular plus sized set of legs.

Regular plus sized legs in the late 1990’s, before kids.

It turns out I also found a picture of myself roller blading with my son several years later but well before perimenopause triggered the next growth. (By the way, I’m sure Rob was holding the camera so he could document the fun but be there, “for the insurance company” in case a fall occurred.  Lol!)  At the time of this picture, I would have been in my probably early 30’s, but had gone through two rounds of fertility treatments, pregnancies including progesterone usage, and aging.  But interestingly enough, I’d also had my first lap band surgery and lost around 170 lbs.  So I was fit then, out roller blading with my son in this picture, but oh, look at my legs.  I’m slim for me, but my legs had already lipedema-fied themselves and I didn’t even know!

Lipedema legs several years after having two kids and fertility treatments.

So with the random taking of pictures, the leg journey gets documented.  And this will be used someday when I make a post about my bariatric surgeries and how they helped me short term but didn’t have a huge impact on the lipedema areas in my calves.

Lipedema in my early to mid 30s.

Incidentally those roller blades made a bruise on the back of my left leg and were most likely never worn again, only to be sold in a garage sale for a dollar years later.

I thought you’d be interested to, and I hope you enjoy the weed eater experience.  Be careful out there and please wear pants when you use the power tools!

Until next time, find some fun activity to do today and remember to take pictures!


You need a sense of humor to appreciate the fact that I picked the Amazon ads for this post. As an Amazon associate, I get paid for sales on these paid ads. 


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