Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?

Hi friends!

I continue to tackle topics that may help the overall lipedema community.  And the next one is tough.

I’m starting work on my next book, “SUGAR MAMA:  A book about sugar addiction and diet, the tabu subjects for lipedema patients who’ve been told it’s not our fault.” I’m going to be telling my own story, but the books are better when more ladies share their stories.  This book will be published by March 2024.

I need ladies who fall into two groups:

  1. You eat too much sugar and want to talk about it in some way, sort of a short term commitment with pictures, quotes, or both.  A media release is required. No compensation, just the glory if being in a book and helping others.  I’ll have a set of questions you can use to prompt you. There is no limit to the number of ladies who can participate in this role.
  2. You want to participate in some way in the activities I’m doing to try to get off the sugar and see how it affects my body and my lipedema affected areas.  Your progress will be included in the book.  This is a 6 month commitment where we’ll meet once a month to get a little training on sugar and diet related topics, and to check in.  The meetings will be via zoom the first Sunday of each month, starting June 4 at 2 PM Central.  Then each month I’ll have a questionnaire to fill out, and will ask for pictures and some limited measurements.  There is no judgement if we fall off the wagon but you have to be honest in the answers.  I know I’m going to struggle too, but want to tell the real story.  This is limited to ten participants and compensation is the free trainings and mentorship, along with $200 US (paid after completion of the six months of full participation) with a required media release.

You must have lipedema to participate – it doesn’t matter if your diagnosis is official or self diagnosed.  If you’re interested, drop me a line by April 30, 2023 at with the subject: SUGAR MAMA.  Include a note about which option you’d like to do, a picture including your lipedema affected area, and a sentence or two about why you’d like to participate.  I’ll notify those selected to participate by May 10 and will send along the media release for signature immediately, so we can get started! Persons who are seriously committed to the full six months are required.

The book is going to be awesome and insightful, and I believe very helpful to our community.  Thank you for considering this cool option!

Stay Sweet!


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