Hi friends!
Today I want to be comfy and I really don’t want to fix my hair. So I thought I’d share with you how I’m throwing an outfit together that feels like pajamas but looks like I meant to do that!
I’m basically wearing black compression, a skirt that feels like a t-shirt, and a literal t-shirt. By adding either a belt or a poncho, parting my hair on the side before I pull it back, throwing on my two-minute makeup and big earrings (to offset the pulled back hair), I’m ready to go! I have a longer video on my youtube channel where I talk too much to give the same info! (it’s ok to laugh, I’m a talker!)
Here is what I’m wearing (I’m eather doing the belt OR the pancho, but not both. I wear the belt in the longer version of the video on my channel):
I wear a men’s Kswiss shoe in XW because it has the added depth that we cannot find, but I am making in LegsLikeMine footwear just for ladies with lipedema, lymphedema, or extra deep feet. I have them in black and white and I wear them a TON. Someday, we won’t have to wear men’s trainers, but until then, this is what I do.
I hope this helps someone on the days you. just. cannot.
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