Dr. David Amron’s Groundbreaking Book Empowers Patients and Medical Professionals – It’s a BIG Deal.

Hi friends,

As I prepare for Lipedema Awareness month, which starts in just a few days now, I continue to put more foundational information out there.  This year, my focus is going to be on educating the medical community, because I feel there are SO many women, now working to educate inside the community itself, which is awesome!  I want to talk about Dr. David Amron, who is now working to train other medical professionals to grow the network of doctors who are able to treat lipedema.  This is one thing we really need – more access to care.  So here’s a little spotlight on Dr. Amron’s new book.

Dr. David Amron’s book, “Liposculpture and Lipedema Surgery: A Guide for the Patient and Pearls for the Surgeon,” is a groundbreaking resource that sheds light on the often misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition of lipedema. As a renowned expert in the field, Dr. Amron’s comprehensive guide aims to educate both patients and fellow surgeons, fostering a deeper understanding of this complex disorder and the advanced techniques required for effective treatment.

The Importance of Education

Lipedema, a chronic and progressive condition that primarily affects women, is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat in the legs and sometimes arms. Despite its prevalence, with an estimated 1 in 9 women affected, lipedema remains largely unknown to many healthcare professionals, leading to years of frustration and misdiagnosis for patients.

Dr. Amron’s book serves as a beacon of hope, shedding light on this enigmatic condition and providing a clear path forward. By sharing his extensive knowledge and time-tested techniques, he empowers patients to make informed decisions about their treatment options while equipping surgeons with the tools to refine their skills and achieve superior results.

A Comprehensive Guide that’s Not Just for Doctors

The book delves into the intricacies of liposculpture, a technically advanced method of liposuction that combines the principles of design, engineering, and artistry to achieve superior body contouring results. Dr. Amron’s expertise in this field is unparalleled, having performed over 12,000 liposuction surgeries throughout his 30-year career.

For patients, the book serves as a reliable guide, covering essential aspects such as choosing a qualified surgeon, setting realistic expectations, addressing skin elasticity concerns, and providing detailed pre- and post-procedure information. This empowers individuals to take an active role in their treatment journey, fostering a collaborative relationship with their healthcare providers.

“Pearls for Surgeons”

Equally valuable are the insights Dr. Amron offers to fellow surgeons. He shares his philosophy of personalized care, mastery through nuance, and empowerment through education. Surgeons can absorb the wisdom of Dr. Amron’s exceptional standards and artistry, learning techniques for respecting anatomical layers, strategic incision placement, and the use of advanced tools like Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) and VASER Lipo for releasing fibrosis.

By sharing these pearls of wisdom, Dr. Amron aims to elevate the field of lipedema treatment and liposculpture, ensuring that patients receive the highest standards of care and natural, aesthetically pleasing surgical results that embrace their true essence.

A Lasting Impact

With its comprehensive approach and Dr. Amron’s unwavering commitment to raising awareness about lipedema, “Liposculpture and Lipedema Surgery: A Guide for the Patient and Pearls for the Surgeon” is poised to leave a lasting impact. By empowering patients and surgeons alike, this book represents a significant step forward in the fight against lipedema, offering hope and a clear path to improved quality of life for those affected by this often-overlooked condition.

Thank you, Dr. Amron for all you’re doing to spread knowledge about lipedema within the medical community.



Amron, David. Liposculpture and Lipedema Surgery: A Guide for the Patient and Pearls for the Surgeon. Amazon, https://amzn.to/4bxWy8h. Accessed 28 May 2024.

“Lipedema.” Lipedema Simplified, https://lipedema-simplified.org/lipedema/. Accessed 28 May 2024.

“About Dr. David Amron.” Amron Dermatology, https://www.amrondermatology.com/about-dr-amron/. Accessed 28 May 2024.


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