Using Vibration Plates to Move that Lymph!

If vibration will help my legs, let's shake!

The only thing I know about vibration is that my sister used to go to Tan and Tone and she always ended her time there on a giant vibration bed.  She swore by it.  And if all she had time to do was one thing there, she went right for that machine.  She said it helped her reduce swelling. Fast forward many years (eh hem) and vibration has come back up in my life in the world of lipedema and lymphedema.

I’m just going to say that right now, I have a lot to learn about using vibration to move the lymph and reduce my lipedema.  But  want to do ALL the things I can to manage this disease and keep as much mobility as possible, and it looks like vibration might actually be enjoyable too – a total win!  So this is post one of who knows how many about vibration as I go through the process.

I’ve joined a Facebook group called Vibration for Fat Disorders.  The lovely expert that runs this group has some units to read through, which I am doing as I have time.  And the are so many posts about using vibration, model reviews, etc. on this page as well.

So while I learn, I’m going to start out with a less expensive model that I plan to keep under my desk.  I think I’ll use it more if it’s just ‘right there.’  This is the one I’m choosing to start with:

Also, I noticed that the Fat Disorders Resource Society has a video about using vibration.  And I plan to discuss this with my surgeon once I get closer to surgery for suction-assisted lipectomy.

Update:  I bought a plate in February 2023 and will be doing a video soon!



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