Why I Made a Lipedema Awareness Program for Girl Scouts – Early Treatment is Key

The girl scout lipedema awareness badge program.

Hi friends,

Did you know I have a badge program for lipedema awareness that can be used for Girl Scouts, Scouts, Campfire, etc.?  This is so important, because if girls can figure out what’s going on with them, their future patients or friends early, they can begin conservative measures early.  All this leads to the hopeful prevention of ladies progressing to the later stages of lipedema that come with isolation and mobility loss.

According to a newly released research report from the Lipedema Foundation, where 521 patients submitted surveys, the peak onset of symptoms of lipedema is between ages 12 and 14.  Yet the data shows, “long delays between onset and treatment.  On average, women sought medical attention 17 years after first noticing symptoms and received a diagnosis 10 years later.”  Guys, that’s a lot of time for lipedema to progress.  And it’s also a lot of time for women to suffer psychologically in the many ways that wondering what is wrong with oneself can cause.

We need to be getting to girls earlier about lipedema.  Feel free to use the badge program requirements for classrooms, scout troops, etc.  without the pressure to order a badge.  If you want to order one a link is in the website as well.

Speaking to a group of girl scouts about lipedema.

Let’s do this for the next generation and be unafraid to share our stories.  The badge program guidelines are here: www.legslikemine.com/girlscouts.

Until next time, stay strong friends.



First Look.  Learning by Listening: Early findings from the Lipedema Foundation Registry survey.  lf_first+look+registry+report.pdf (squarespace.com). 2022.

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