Sharing: The Diagnosis and Treatment Codes for My Lipedema Reduction Plan

icd codes

I get asked this question daily:  Can you please share the diagnosis codes and treatment codes for your disease so I can share them with my medical provider?  Why yes, yes I can!

Note, I’m not a doctor and this is what was provided to me for my specific case and condition.  It’s what went to Aetna as part of my surgical plan.  Please consult with your own provider for your situation.

Please note: the source of these codes came directly from my letter of medical necessity, only, and did not come from other companies or self research.

Diagnosis Codes:

R60.9 for edema;

M79.606 pain in leg M79.603 pain in arm;

R26.9 unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility;

R52 pain unspecified;

E65 Localized Adiposity;

R26.2 Difficulty Walking, not elsewhere classified;

R58 Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified (easy bruising);

R20.8 Other disturbances of the skin sensation (pain moving the skin)

Treatment Codes:

Bi-Lateral lymph sparing lipectomy upper extremity CPT Code 15878 Modifiers -22, -50 RT/LT

Bi-Lateral lymph sparing lipectomy lower extremity​ [x3] CPT Code 15879 Modifiers -22, -50 RT/LT

Lymph sparing lipectomy of trunk CPT Code 15877 Modifiers- 22, -59

Excision, excessive skin/subcutaneous tissue thigh CPT 15832 Modifiers -22, -50 RT/LT

Excision, excessive skin/subcutaneous tissue arm CPT 15836 Modifiers -22, -50 RT/LT

Excision, excessive skin/subcutaneous tissue other area CPT 15839 Modifiers- 22, -59

My doctor recommended using Aquaphor on the skin and incisions post surgery to help in healing.  Get yours here:

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