The Critical Need for an ICD Code for Lipedema

Hi friends! Lipedema, a chronic and progressive condition affecting mostly women, has long been misunderstood and misdiagnosed. One major reason for this is the lack of a specific International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code. Having a unique ICD code for lipedema is vital for several reasons.   First, an ICD code would greatly improve theContinue reading “The Critical Need for an ICD Code for Lipedema”

Health and Body Grief: Coping and Embracing the New Normal with Self-Love

Hi friends! This is part of a little series I’m conducting on mental health.  I’ll be posting soon on a mult-part interview I’m conducting with the CEO of the Grief Recovery Center that I think will be helpful, so stay tuned for that. Living with lipedema can be emotionally challenging, especially when it comes toContinue reading “Health and Body Grief: Coping and Embracing the New Normal with Self-Love”