New Study Highlights the Importance of Exercise in Managing Lipedema

Hi friends! I watch a site called PubMed regularly for any new information coming out about lipedema.  I noticed this and thought it was worth sharing.  If you’ve followed me long, you know I’m an avid swimmer – it’s incredibly freeing for my body to move how I want while getting exercise.  But now I’mContinue reading “New Study Highlights the Importance of Exercise in Managing Lipedema”

Interesting Find: Data on How Many Books and Products are on Amazon with the Words Lipedema or Lipoedema vs. some Men’s Conditions

Hi friends, Is anybody out there a little geeky like me and you go down random data rabbit holes sometimes? I’m doing some research today to see how much lipedema in the media has changed since I first wrote Jeans on a Beach Day.  At the time I published it, in April 2022, I onlyContinue reading “Interesting Find: Data on How Many Books and Products are on Amazon with the Words Lipedema or Lipoedema vs. some Men’s Conditions”