My Favorite Presentation from the Lipedema World Congress – Psychosocial Challenges of Managing Lipedema

Hi friends! I’m continuing my series of downloading good things from the Lipedema World Congress that was in Potsdam Germany a couple of weeks ago.  Here is a link to the program for reference:  LWC_Program_web.pdf (  Also note, the second world congress will be in two years in Rome, and patients are welcome.  So getContinue reading “My Favorite Presentation from the Lipedema World Congress – Psychosocial Challenges of Managing Lipedema”

Answer to an FAQ – Do Injectable Weight Loss Drugs (GLP-1 Agonists) Help with Lipedema

Hi friends! One of the most specific reasons I travelled to Potsdam, Germany was to hear a presentation called, The Role of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists in the Conservative Management of Lipedema by Aria Vazirnia (Beverly Hills, USA).  Dr. Vazirnia is a dermatologist who did a study in conjunction with the very famous lipedema Dr. DavidContinue reading “Answer to an FAQ – Do Injectable Weight Loss Drugs (GLP-1 Agonists) Help with Lipedema”

LegsLikeMine Lipedema Friendly Footwear – I’ve Ordered the First Batch!

Hi friends, When the world doesn’t fit you and then you find out that you’re part of 11% of people not being served, you either sit back and miss out, or you do something about it. After nearly two years of work, I’ve put in the first order of the LegsLikeMine Lipedema Friendly footwear! TheContinue reading “LegsLikeMine Lipedema Friendly Footwear – I’ve Ordered the First Batch!”