So, You’ve Googled “FUPA” and Ended Up Here… Welcome to the Club! It’s a big one.

Hi friends!

Yes, I’ve finally gone there – somebody had to!  Some of the most hilarious posts I’ve seen in the lipedema groups online are discussions about the dreaded FUPA.  If you’re ever needing a laugh, go to one of the big groups and do a search on FUPA.  You’ll want to be sure you’ve tinkled before you start reading.

Ever looked down at your midsection and thought, “Hey, where did this adorable, yet slightly concerning, extra pillow come from?” If you’re rocking lipedema or lymphedema, chances are, you’ve met (and maybe mildly begrudgingly befriended) the FUPA: the Fat Upper Pubic Area. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there, wondering if it’s a mythical creature, a secret storage compartment for snacks, or just nature’s way of making us say “eff you” to skinny jeans.

But what exactly is this enigmatic FUPA? Well, imagine your pelvis decided to grow a luxurious beard of fat… except upwards and way more comfortable. It’s not just about extra padding, it’s about stubborn fat deposits that love to hang out above your pubic bone, defying gravity and fashion norms. Think of it as Mother Nature’s way of saying, “You’re strong, you’re resilient, and you can probably withstand a few extra pounds… right there.”  Honestly, I thought everyone was built like me and didn’t realize that my extra softness was one of the great gifts of lipedema until I started looking into the groups and realized that I’m um, special.  Honestly, I don’t really want that area to be bone thin.  I think it’d be odd.  I don’t know because I’ve always been this way.

Now, while the FUPA may not win all of the boring beauty contests based on cookie cutter media-driven beauty standards, it’s important to remember: it’s a symptom, not a defining characteristic. Lipedema and lymphedema are complex conditions, and the FUPA is just one of their many quirky side effects. But here’s the good news:

  • You’re not alone: The FUPA club is vast and full of amazing women who understand your struggles and can offer support (and maybe some hilarious FUPA-related memes).
  • There are options: Compression therapy, lymphatic drainage, and even certain dietary changes can help manage the FUPA, although complete eradication might require a pact with a mischievous leprechaun.
  • SWIM! Water’s natural compression is great about getting in all the nooks and crannies of our body so we stand a chance to decongest the dreaded FUPA when compression might not be pressing down on the correct area.
  • Acceptance is key: Embrace the FUPA as a unique part of your journey. Own it, rock it, and maybe even give it a nickname (Fluffy McFlufferson, anyone?).

So, the next time you encounter the FUPA in the mirror, don’t despair. Instead, give it a friendly pat (because let’s be honest, it’s pretty soft), thank it for the reminder to prioritize your health, and then go out there and conquer the world, FUPA and all. Remember, you’re beautiful, strong, and way more interesting than just your midsection. Now go forth and spread FUPA awareness (and maybe some laughter) along the way! Also, just know that if I took the time to write this post, there are LOTS and LOTS of women walking around with a FUPA – I promise you there are many a FUPA walking around in happy, healthy relationships. So love your FUPA, because it’s the only one you have!

I hope you got a little chuckle and a little more confidence from this post.


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