Dive into Relief: Why Water is Your Best Friend for Lipedema

Hi friends!

As a woman with lipedema, you’re constantly searching for ways to manage your symptoms and live a more comfortable life. One powerful tool you might be overlooking is right at your fingertips – or should we say, ankles? Water!

Hydrostatic pressure, the pressure exerted by a fluid at rest, is a powerful force that can offer significant relief from lipedema symptoms. When you immerse yourself in water, you experience this pressure working its magic on your body.

Here’s why getting in the water is amazing for hydrostatic compression:

  • Reduced swelling: Hydrostatic pressure helps push excess fluid out of your tissues, leading to reduced swelling and a lighter, more comfortable feeling in your legs.
  • Improved circulation: The pressure exerted by the water helps improve blood and lymphatic circulation, promoting better nutrient delivery and waste removal in your legs.
  • Pain relief: Reduced swelling and improved circulation can significantly reduce pain associated with lipedema.
  • Increased mobility: With less swelling and pain, you’ll find it easier to move around and participate in activities you might have previously avoided.

Now, let’s get specific! In my book, “Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema,” I’ve included a chart that details the amount of hydrostatic compression you receive at different water depths. Here’s a quick glimpse:

As you can see, the deeper you go, the greater the compression you’ll experience. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the depth as you get comfortable.

Here are some tips for incorporating water into your routine for lipedema management:

  • Make sure your skin is healthy first. Skin that is free from cuts, scratches or infection and is completely healed from any surgery is what’s happy in the water.
  • Take a dip in the pool: Enjoy the gentle pressure of waist-deep water or try walking against the current for added resistance.
  • Join a water aerobics class: These classes offer a fun and social way to experience the benefits of water exercise. My favorites are the ones designed for senior citizens.  In my experience they are “really fun” because seniors are so chill!
  • Relax in a hot tub: The warmth can help soothe sore muscles, while the buoyancy provides gentle compression.  NOTE:  Water temperature is important.  If you’re sitting, the maximum temperature recommended is no more than 94 degrees F because direct heat can increase lipedema and lymphedema swelling.  Talk to your doctor about hot tubs and baths.
  • Invest in a home aqua jogger: This allows you to walk or jog in place in the comfort of your own home.

Remember, consistency is key! Make water immersion a regular part of your routine to experience the long-term benefits of hydrostatic compression for managing your lipedema. So, put on your swimsuit or anything you’re comfortable in (there is NO rule that you have to wear a swimsuit in the pool!), grab your pool noodles (or aqua jog!), and dive into a world of relief!

Have fun, and I hope this helps someone today!  PS the swimsuit in the image below is the one I wear for my snorkeling adventures worldwide!


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LegsLikeMine supports the 11% of the women in the world, who have lipedema.

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