Lipedema Starts Young: 57% First Notice Symptoms as Teens

Hi friends! Have you ever heard of lipedema? If not, you’re not alone. This chronic condition, primarily affecting women, is often misunderstood and underdiagnosed. But the statistics are staggering – according to the Lipedema Foundation Registry Report, a groundbreaking survey of over 500 individuals with lipedema, a whopping 57% reported experiencing their first symptoms betweenContinue reading “Lipedema Starts Young: 57% First Notice Symptoms as Teens”

Announcing! Girl Scout Badge for Lipedema and Lymphedema Awareness Available Now!

LegsLikeMine has published a badge program for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors to raise awareness of Lipedema and Lymphedema! Girl Scouts is the largest organization for women in the world, with a reach to millions of future medical professionals, scientists, patients and their friends and family.  I hope you enjoy the badge program andContinue reading “Announcing! Girl Scout Badge for Lipedema and Lymphedema Awareness Available Now!”