Manual Lymphatic Drainage – Where do YOU MLD?

Hi friends!   I was just thinking about MLD this morning while I was in the bathtub and I began to wonder if I’ve shared info on this for my followers who may be early in the learning process about managing their lipedema.  At this point in time, self care is by far the biggestContinue reading “Manual Lymphatic Drainage – Where do YOU MLD?”

Can Mucinex Help Alleviate Lipedema Symptoms and Free Lymphatic Flow? Here’s a Story and Some Research

Hi friends! Let’s just start with this.  This isn’t medical advice, but information I’ve actually experienced, plus a ton of research on doctor websites and such.  Don’t go off and take supplements without talking to your doctor.  I mean it. Also here’s the information sheet that contains contraindications, directions, side effects, etc.  Guaifenesin Uses,Continue reading “Can Mucinex Help Alleviate Lipedema Symptoms and Free Lymphatic Flow? Here’s a Story and Some Research”

Could Simple Lymphatic Yoga Actually Change your Lippy Legs for the Better?

I recently watched a video from the Fat Disorders Resource Society, in which a highly certified therapist, Edely Wallace, shares a story from one of her lipedema patients.  The patient had tried numerous exercises without physical change, and then used Lymphatic Yoga practice to significantly improve several aspects of her legs over the course ofContinue reading “Could Simple Lymphatic Yoga Actually Change your Lippy Legs for the Better?”