New Study Highlights the Importance of Exercise in Managing Lipedema

Hi friends! I watch a site called PubMed regularly for any new information coming out about lipedema.  I noticed this and thought it was worth sharing.  If you’ve followed me long, you know I’m an avid swimmer – it’s incredibly freeing for my body to move how I want while getting exercise.  But now I’mContinue reading “New Study Highlights the Importance of Exercise in Managing Lipedema”

Using Vibration Plates to Shake up that Lymph – A Recommendation It’s Time for Me to Try

Hi Friends! While I write a lot of upbeat articles and fun fashion tips, I still am a lipedema patient who needs to aggressively self manage the condition.  I swim as often as I can, use a compression pump, wear compression, do Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and have had surgery. And yes, I still struggle withContinue reading “Using Vibration Plates to Shake up that Lymph – A Recommendation It’s Time for Me to Try”

Could Simple Lymphatic Yoga Actually Change your Lippy Legs for the Better?

I recently watched a video from the Fat Disorders Resource Society, in which a highly certified therapist, Edely Wallace, shares a story from one of her lipedema patients.  The patient had tried numerous exercises without physical change, and then used Lymphatic Yoga practice to significantly improve several aspects of her legs over the course ofContinue reading “Could Simple Lymphatic Yoga Actually Change your Lippy Legs for the Better?”