Another Conservative Therapy for Lipedema – Vibration Plates

Hi friends, I’m sitting here at my desk, using my vibration plate under my desk, almost like a footstool.  It feels so good, and for me, really helps relieve some pain and pressure I get in my legs when I’m having swelling. Because of where my plate is located, I have lots of opportunities toContinue reading “Another Conservative Therapy for Lipedema – Vibration Plates”

Answer to an FAQ: Should I Wear my Compression All Day and All Night? A Vulnerable Op Ed

Hi friends! Let me start off by saying this is a conversation for your doctor, but here’s my opinion based on personal experience and research that I’ve been doing. There is a lot of research on several conditions showing that wearing compression garments can be beneficial for not only lipedema, but other conditions.  I loveContinue reading “Answer to an FAQ: Should I Wear my Compression All Day and All Night? A Vulnerable Op Ed”

Drinking Water is an Important Part of Managing Lipedema and Lymphedema – A Reminder to ME.

Hi friends! I’ve recently been experiencing some significant swelling in my left leg, which has had lymphedema in it since my first pregnancy and delivery, in addition to having lipedema.  So, I decided to get back in with my Occupational Therapist to discuss strategies, and I visited with some lipedema doctor friends as well.  TheContinue reading “Drinking Water is an Important Part of Managing Lipedema and Lymphedema – A Reminder to ME.”

Using Vibration Plates to Move that Lymph!

The only thing I know about vibration is that my sister used to go to Tan and Tone and she always ended her time there on a giant vibration bed.  She swore by it.  And if all she had time to do was one thing there, she went right for that machine.  She said itContinue reading “Using Vibration Plates to Move that Lymph!”