Compression Review – Highdays Compression Yoga Pants

I recently bought a pair of these HighDays compression pants, thinking a little sleeping compression would be great. Here’s my review. I don’t want to take them off.  And, they have pockets that my phone will fit in.  I’m wearing them now.  AND they weren’t seventy dollars, or five hundred.  They were $19.99.  Can IContinue reading “Compression Review – Highdays Compression Yoga Pants”

Could Simple Lymphatic Yoga Actually Change your Lippy Legs for the Better?

I recently watched a video from the Fat Disorders Resource Society, in which a highly certified therapist, Edely Wallace, shares a story from one of her lipedema patients.  The patient had tried numerous exercises without physical change, and then used Lymphatic Yoga practice to significantly improve several aspects of her legs over the course ofContinue reading “Could Simple Lymphatic Yoga Actually Change your Lippy Legs for the Better?”