Lipedema Starts Young: 57% First Notice Symptoms as Teens

Hi friends! Have you ever heard of lipedema? If not, you’re not alone. This chronic condition, primarily affecting women, is often misunderstood and underdiagnosed. But the statistics are staggering – according to the Lipedema Foundation Registry Report, a groundbreaking survey of over 500 individuals with lipedema, a whopping 57% reported experiencing their first symptoms betweenContinue reading “Lipedema Starts Young: 57% First Notice Symptoms as Teens”

Lipedema 101: What is Lipedema?

Hi friends, With our condition affecting around 11% of women, the chances are you know someone who has lipedema.  It might be your mom, sister, daughter, a patient or a friend.  Have you ever seen someone with large, protruding areas of fat on their legs or arms that seems disproportionate to the rest of theirContinue reading “Lipedema 101: What is Lipedema?”

So, I Wrote a 300 Page Book of Lipedema Lady Art in One Day, and It’s Pretty Great!

Hi friends! To get this party started, if you’d like to see the book and even purchase a coffee table version, here’s the link to the book I’m talking about: Now we can start.  I’ve been researching an upcoming set of posts about how society can support women with lipedema.  One of the ideasContinue reading “So, I Wrote a 300 Page Book of Lipedema Lady Art in One Day, and It’s Pretty Great!”