I Validate Your Pain: It’s One of the Biggest Symptoms of Lipedema

Hi friends! Today, I want to address a topic that is often overlooked or misunderstood, can’t be seen and maybe…(?) isn’t always believed.  PAIN – the physical pain experienced by those living with lipedema. This chronic condition, characterized by the disproportionate accumulation of fat in the legs and sometimes arms, is WAY more than justContinue reading “I Validate Your Pain: It’s One of the Biggest Symptoms of Lipedema”

Staying Stable: Strategies for Hypermobile Knee Health (Hypermobility is often seen with lipedema.)

Hi friends! Many women with lipedema also have joint hypermobility, and I am one of them. In fact, my knee hypermobility worsened after undergoing lipedema surgery to remove significant fat pads from the inside of my knees. As someone living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and hypermobile joints, taking care of my knees has become aContinue reading “Staying Stable: Strategies for Hypermobile Knee Health (Hypermobility is often seen with lipedema.)”

Connecting you with products that are helpful to lipedema and hypermobility – a seriously plus size knee brace – FINALLY!

Hi friends! Many of us have knee issues related to lipedema, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or osteoarthritis.  And we could really benefit from maxi sized knee braces to help us along. In the journey of maintaining an active and fulfilling lifestyle, few things are as crucial as having strong and healthy knees. These remarkable joints bearContinue reading “Connecting you with products that are helpful to lipedema and hypermobility – a seriously plus size knee brace – FINALLY!”

Understanding Comorbidities Associated with Lipedema: Beyond the Swelling

Hi friends!  I see so many posts on the forums that start like this…”anyone else out there also have POTS, HEDS, MCAS…?”  A lot of times this will trigger multiple responses from ladies who have more than one thing going on, with lipedema being our overlap.  So I thought I’d put together some information toContinue reading “Understanding Comorbidities Associated with Lipedema: Beyond the Swelling”

Hypermobility and Lipedema Go Hand in Hand

Hot off the presses! There’s a new book about #EDS called, “Disjointed” out. It’s kind of expensive, and I’m encouraging my library to put it on the shelves for the broadest awareness. I plan to grab it today to see what it’s all about.  Grab your own copy by clicking the image below.  And if you’reContinue reading “Hypermobility and Lipedema Go Hand in Hand”