We’re in the Home Stretch of the Holidays: Ways to Simplify and Reduce Stress this Week for YOU!

Hi friends! Happy holidays!  As we wrap up this holiday season and head towards the new year, we know this particular week can be one of super stress.  Between running to numerous events for kids and family, work parties and church gatherings, volunteering and on and on and on, we folks with conditions like lipedemaContinue reading “We’re in the Home Stretch of the Holidays: Ways to Simplify and Reduce Stress this Week for YOU!”

LegsLikeMine’s Favorite Things 2023 List Is Here!

2023 was a big year for a lot of us!  We want to celebrate this year’s close with friends and family we keep in our heart all year long.  We’ve done a lot of looking for things that fit us, and delight us, and have found some gifts for YOU and the people you love!Continue reading “LegsLikeMine’s Favorite Things 2023 List Is Here!”