Did you Retire Early due to Lipedema, mobility, fatigue? Remote Work Can Reopen the Door

Hi friends! Lipedema can be a thief. It can steal your mobility, your energy, and sometimes, it can even steal your career. For many women, the relentless pain, fatigue and discomfort associated with lipedema make traditional (and stressful) work environments unbearable, forcing early retirement. But what if there was a way to reclaim your professionalContinue reading “Did you Retire Early due to Lipedema, mobility, fatigue? Remote Work Can Reopen the Door”

We’re in the Home Stretch of the Holidays: Ways to Simplify and Reduce Stress this Week for YOU!

Hi friends! Happy holidays!  As we wrap up this holiday season and head towards the new year, we know this particular week can be one of super stress.  Between running to numerous events for kids and family, work parties and church gatherings, volunteering and on and on and on, we folks with conditions like lipedemaContinue reading “We’re in the Home Stretch of the Holidays: Ways to Simplify and Reduce Stress this Week for YOU!”

How to Manage Lipedema Flare-Ups: Tips and Tricks from Experts and Patients

Hi friends! The holidays are amongst us, which means we’re eating all kinds of foods not in our normal diets, we’re probably experiencing some form of stress from shopping, money, family visits, and so on.  And for a lot of us, the weather is changing.  For me, I have more challenges when I’m in aContinue reading “How to Manage Lipedema Flare-Ups: Tips and Tricks from Experts and Patients”

I’m Digging into a New Book: Stress Reduction for Lymphedema, by Kathleen Lisson. The Tools Apply to Lipedema Too!

Hi friends! I’m digging into a new book by Kathleen Lisson, CLT called Stress Reduction for Lymphedema.  The tools and techniques she teaches us apply to lipedema – stress is SO bad for us and we need to chill out.  If you’d like to read along with me while I read it at least twiceContinue reading “I’m Digging into a New Book: Stress Reduction for Lymphedema, by Kathleen Lisson. The Tools Apply to Lipedema Too!”

When You’re Looking for Help with Lipedema Support, Check for the Word Lymphedema as Well: Here’s a Book That Might Help

Hi Friends! Many of you know, I’m fortunate enough to participate in the Lipedema Education Group meetings. This group’s mission is to, “develop and share lipedema, lymphedema, and Dercum’s Disease care guidelines for medical professionals, people with these conditions, and caregivers.”  As I sit in on these meetings, I realize that many of the professionalsContinue reading “When You’re Looking for Help with Lipedema Support, Check for the Word Lymphedema as Well: Here’s a Book That Might Help”