Did you Retire Early due to Lipedema, mobility, fatigue? Remote Work Can Reopen the Door

Hi friends! Lipedema can be a thief. It can steal your mobility, your energy, and sometimes, it can even steal your career. For many women, the relentless pain, fatigue and discomfort associated with lipedema make traditional (and stressful) work environments unbearable, forcing early retirement. But what if there was a way to reclaim your professionalContinue reading “Did you Retire Early due to Lipedema, mobility, fatigue? Remote Work Can Reopen the Door”

Lipedema in the News: A Story from Los Angeles that Went to 854,000 YouTube Subscribers

Hi friends, I’m sharing a news story that I stumbled across from YouTube, originally published a few years back from Fox News. The more we have lipedema in the news, the more folks can be exposed, the more possibly get that proper diagnosis early along with treatment to save mobility and prevent progression and allContinue reading “Lipedema in the News: A Story from Los Angeles that Went to 854,000 YouTube Subscribers”

Let’s Talk about Fatigue, a REAL Symptom of Lipedema, and What You Can Do About it Today

Hi Friends, Like many of you, I experience fatigue as one of the most prevalent symptoms that go along with lipedema.  It’s overwhelming sometimes, and I find myself napping more frequently than I’d like to be as effective as I want.  How to combat fatigue with lipedema isn’t often discussed other than the suggestion that,Continue reading “Let’s Talk about Fatigue, a REAL Symptom of Lipedema, and What You Can Do About it Today”