A product to fix The Booty Gap? Testing Starts at LLM

I used to joke and say I had, “government butt,” because it looked like I sit all day in a government issue chair. How many of you have had it happen where your underwear hang out the top of the back of your pants? It’s because pants weren’t designed with us in mind but IContinue reading “A product to fix The Booty Gap? Testing Starts at LLM”

I Need Your Brains, Friends! Seeking Focus Group Volunteers for Shoes, Boots, and Sandals Made with Lipedema Ladies in Mind!

Girls, can you help me (and us out), please? Bottom line, I need to know what your shoe needs, wants, complaints and loves are so we can make shoes for us – women with extended size calves, swollen feet, and sassy attitudes (OK I just threw that in).  I’m setting up five zoom sessions onContinue reading “I Need Your Brains, Friends! Seeking Focus Group Volunteers for Shoes, Boots, and Sandals Made with Lipedema Ladies in Mind!”

Join Me on Patreon to Help Create More Content for our Lipedema Community!

Hi friends, I’ve decided to set up a Patreon site as folks have been asking how they can provide financial support to LegsLikeMine.  This especially helps when it comes to trying products and putting together the lipedema-friendly outfits.  If you can, join me on Patreon.  And everyone is welcome here, to keep learning more andContinue reading “Join Me on Patreon to Help Create More Content for our Lipedema Community!”

Lipedema Content is Available for YOU! Please Join Me!

I can’t share to self promote in some places, but you can! Please share in your lipedema community! Did you know I have a website, YouTube channel, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and TikTok accounts that share different lipedema content all under the legslikemine presence in addition to our book Jeans on a Beach Day (available onContinue reading “Lipedema Content is Available for YOU! Please Join Me!”

Rain Boots for (Many of) Us! It’s a Start!

What do we want?  Boots that fit all of us?  When do we want them?  Yesterday! What will we settle for?  Rain boots that fit some of us!  Hey it’s a start. I’m ordering these today for my mom, who reports her stage 2 lipedema calves are around 21 inches. These boots say they’re goodContinue reading “Rain Boots for (Many of) Us! It’s a Start!”

Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – April 2022, a Quick Maxi Dress Outfit

My husband took a picture of me this morning while we were out to breakfast.  I love this dress. I can roll out of bed, and literally just throw this, and a pair of my Aravon adjustable sandals on, pull my hair back, and be ready to go someplace a little nicer than jeans andContinue reading “Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – April 2022, a Quick Maxi Dress Outfit”

The Beltwell Compression Brace for Large Legs-My Thoughts

Hi friends, I had a chance to try out the new Beltwell compression brace for large legs while I was at the fat disorders resource society conference and traveling to and from Cleveland last weekend. I wanted to share a few thoughts with you and have made a quick video about it. Overall, my impressionContinue reading “The Beltwell Compression Brace for Large Legs-My Thoughts”

Wow – There Was So Much New Lipedema Research Presented at FDRS 2022!

Hi friends! It’s been almost a week since I was able to attend the Fat Disorders Resource Society 2022 conference in Cleveland.  I’ve dribbled a few pieces of research information that I was able to pull easy bits out of on some of my social feeds this week and have read through some of myContinue reading “Wow – There Was So Much New Lipedema Research Presented at FDRS 2022!”

I’m Representing LLM at the Fat Disorders Resource Society This Weekend!

Hi friends! I’m so glad that you’re here today with me this weekend. I am at the FDRS conference in Cleveland, OH this Friday and Saturday and am looking forward to meeting you and sharing what we have learned together!  I really look forward to hearing about all the new research that is coming outContinue reading “I’m Representing LLM at the Fat Disorders Resource Society This Weekend!”

My new book Jeans on a Beach Day is Here! Written just for YOU!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jeans on a Beach Day: A book for the beautiful woman hiding her legs Susan O’Hara, with foreword by Brenda Viola Imprint: Independently Published by Kindle Direct Publishing Availability: https://amzn.to/3JPOkdd On sale: April 21, 2022 Price: $8.99 Pages: 107 ISBN: 9798443835211 CONTACT Susan legslikemine@gmail.com Yukon, OK, USA.  Jeans on a Beach Day:Continue reading “My new book Jeans on a Beach Day is Here! Written just for YOU!”