Answer to a Common Question: I Think I Have Lipedema – What’s My Next Step?

Greetings! I get this question several times a day and decided it’d be more helpful if I wrote the reply out fully for everyone to see and then I can just share the link. So you think you have lipedema?  There is help, welcome, and you are not alone!  The first step is to checkContinue reading “Answer to a Common Question: I Think I Have Lipedema – What’s My Next Step?”

It’s Swimming Season! Don’t Let Your Bathing Suit Bring You Down!

So if you follow my antics on social media, you know I swim as many days as I can because it’s gentle exercise I can really do without overdoing it.  It’s fantastic compression and great for encouraging lymphatic flow. Someday I will measure my legs before and after swimming – I’m convinced that they literallyContinue reading “It’s Swimming Season! Don’t Let Your Bathing Suit Bring You Down!”

Last Sunday Lipedema-Friendly Outfits, March 2022 – Never Underestimate the Power of a Black Maxidress

Hi friends!  I get questions almost daily about how women can dress to hide their lipedema and still look nice. I’m having so much fun and learning a ton while I put together the outfits to share for you, and hope that as time goes on, I can get even more ideas out there forContinue reading “Last Sunday Lipedema-Friendly Outfits, March 2022 – Never Underestimate the Power of a Black Maxidress”

My New Book, Jeans on a Beach Day, is off to the Presses!

Hello friends!  I wanted to share some great news with you.  My new book, especially for women with lipedema, is off to the presses! It’s been a crazy few weeks off writing, editing, re-editing, and working with my husband on the cover design (thank you Rob).  I’ve been gathering quotes, stories and pictures from someContinue reading “My New Book, Jeans on a Beach Day, is off to the Presses!”

February’s Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – Bonus Round!

For this month’s bonus outfit, the theme is kimonos and bootcuts! A beautiful kimono top with a basic t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt can really catch the eye. I paired this sweet kimono from Amazon with a wide belt, and bootcut stretch jeans from Torrid!  These bootcuts feel great and really offer plenty of room forContinue reading “February’s Last Sunday Lipedema Friendly Outfits – Bonus Round!”

Last Sunday Lipedema-Friendly Outfits – February 2022 – An Oprah CopyCat

For this month’s lipedema-friendly outfit, I had this idea to try to copycat famous plus-sized people’s outfits.  They pay for stylists, so why should we reinvent the wheel?  Who is one of the best dressed ladies around?  None other than Oprah! She has an article about foolproof outfits and has this image as one ofContinue reading “Last Sunday Lipedema-Friendly Outfits – February 2022 – An Oprah CopyCat”

Lipedema Swelling Reduction Tricks – Two Tricks I Really Use

Hi there! I’m sharing two little tricks I use to reduce swelling, especially when my FlexiTouch pump isn’t available. Check out my YouTube Channel for more fun videos! Legs on the Wall (for me, on the headboard) Dead Cat Shake Give it a try – what do you think? Susan

Answer to a Common Question: How Can I Still Travel with Lipedema or Lymphedema?

Well hello friends! I wanted to make a post that I can refer to when our sisters reach out to me when they’re having concerns, anxiety, or general questions about how I travel so much with Lipedema and Lymphedema.  In a normal year, I take several cross-country road trips, at least one international trip, andContinue reading “Answer to a Common Question: How Can I Still Travel with Lipedema or Lymphedema?”

OK I bought this baggy dress thing and I really love it – it’s too good not to share

What feels like jammies, works well with bioflects, and dresses up with a giant necklace?  This baggy bubble dress thing that I bought on a whim because it popped up on my feed.  I LOVE IT.  Buy it here: Enjoy! Susan This includes paid ads.  As an Amazon associate I receive commissions on sales. 

Lipedema Compression Hack!

Hi friends! What’s that boiling on the stove, you say?  Just my britches. Today I’ve done a fun experiment that I’d like to share with you.  Why?  I have several pairs of nude compression pants and socks that are that color of beige that matches no one.  I got them after surgery and they’re greatContinue reading “Lipedema Compression Hack!”