Navigating Self-Image with Lipedema: Finding Joy in Photos Despite Challenges

Hi friends! My husband and I recently took an impromptu trip to a local museum he’d never visited and we had such a good time.  When we got home, I saw a few pics hubby had taken of our fun day.  The first thing I spotted…OMG my ARMS!  I think most of us with lipedemaContinue reading “Navigating Self-Image with Lipedema: Finding Joy in Photos Despite Challenges”

I Accidentally Used the Weed Eater on my Own Leg in 1998. And So, a Picture Was Taken

Hi friends! If you’ve followed me for very long, you know that my husband ( Rob documents Everything, including dumb incidents like the time I accidentally used the Weed Eater on my own leg.  In fairness, I didn’t do it on purpose, but my finger hit the trigger while I was walking to a newContinue reading “I Accidentally Used the Weed Eater on my Own Leg in 1998. And So, a Picture Was Taken”