My New Book, Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema is Available!

Link to buy it: Hi friends!  Whew! I did it!  Just in time for swimming season, Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema is out on Amazon! After some late nights of editing and reviewing I’ve finished the aqua therapy book and I’m really excited to share what I’ve learned with you all!  It turnsContinue reading “My New Book, Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema is Available!”

List of Supplies You Might Need for Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema

Hi friends!  Here’s a section from my new book, Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema.  In the book I mention several items that you might want to make your aqua therapy more enjoyable.  I’ve attached that list here, and will be linking to specific items on Amazon as the book is released.  If you haveContinue reading “List of Supplies You Might Need for Aqua Therapy for Lipedema and Lymphedema”

OMG! It. Is. Here! My 2023 Aquatard Swimsuit Has Arrived! I LOVE IT!

Ooh friends, I’m so excited! My aquatard from Juno Active is here so now I can move forward with shooting the movement photos for my new book, Aquatherapy for Lipedema, to be released March 17, 2023 on Amazon.  I’ve owned another color of suit from Juno for YEARS now and the thing will just notContinue reading “OMG! It. Is. Here! My 2023 Aquatard Swimsuit Has Arrived! I LOVE IT!”