Update in my Own Lipedema Journey, Age 51, 3 years post op from 3 surgeries

Hi friends, When I started this site, I promised to share the good, the bad and the ugly because the whole point of it is to help others know what others are going through.  So here goes…   I turned 51 last month and finally am starting to enjoy some of the gifts of midlife. Continue reading “Update in my Own Lipedema Journey, Age 51, 3 years post op from 3 surgeries”

I Had a Lipedema Lady Say the Phrase, “Who I used to Be, Before I Had Late Stage Lipedema.”

Hi friends! Let me apologize in advance for this post.  I’m trying to understand more about my community and I just can’t find the right way to say it.  I promise I’m not an insensitive poop even though I can’t get my thoughts out right. Recently I was interviewing one of lipedema lady friends inContinue reading “I Had a Lipedema Lady Say the Phrase, “Who I used to Be, Before I Had Late Stage Lipedema.””

I Accidentally Used the Weed Eater on my Own Leg in 1998. And So, a Picture Was Taken

Hi friends! If you’ve followed me for very long, you know that my husband (www.robohara.com) Rob documents Everything, including dumb incidents like the time I accidentally used the Weed Eater on my own leg.  In fairness, I didn’t do it on purpose, but my finger hit the trigger while I was walking to a newContinue reading “I Accidentally Used the Weed Eater on my Own Leg in 1998. And So, a Picture Was Taken”