Sharing with you – work on SUGAR MAMAS is now underway: The connection between sugar consumption and lipedema issues

Hi friends! Our SUGAR MAMAS group who is helping me with some work on my new book for you about sugar addiction and lipedema has started up.  Our gang will be working with a health and wellness coach for the next six months as we learn more about ourselves and how we use sugar, andContinue reading “Sharing with you – work on SUGAR MAMAS is now underway: The connection between sugar consumption and lipedema issues”

Lipedema Shoe Update and More Little Notes for April 2023

Hi friends!  April is coming to a close and it has been a hugely busy month, so I’ve barely blogged.  But man has progress been happening! Obviously the big one is that the Fat Disorders Resource Society conference was this month.  I spent the first part of the month prepping outfits for the official FDRSContinue reading “Lipedema Shoe Update and More Little Notes for April 2023”

Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?

Hi friends! I continue to tackle topics that may help the overall lipedema community.  And the next one is tough. I’m starting work on my next book, “SUGAR MAMA:  A book about sugar addiction and diet, the tabu subjects for lipedema patients who’ve been told it’s not our fault.” I’m going to be telling myContinue reading “Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?”