Answers to a Common Question: What Process Did I Use to Get Insurance Coverage for Lipedema?

Greetings and Salutations!  We all know that Lipedema is a real disease, and that the World Health Organization (finally) recognized the disease in 2018 with its own codes:  (Code EF02.2 in the ICD11). I originally wrote this post at 18 days away from my first surgery (of most likely, many) to get rid of theContinue reading “Answers to a Common Question: What Process Did I Use to Get Insurance Coverage for Lipedema?”

I’d Like to Introduce you to Larry: I’m Having Him “Killed”

Call me what you may, an attempted killer?  Maybe.  I’ve tried to kill Larry many times over the years, in many ways.  What!  I guess the good news is my attempts didn’t work and Larry’s still with us. Let me introduce you to my little friend, Larry the Lump.  I actually think I might hateContinue reading “I’d Like to Introduce you to Larry: I’m Having Him “Killed””