Lipedema Starts Young: 57% First Notice Symptoms as Teens

Hi friends! Have you ever heard of lipedema? If not, you’re not alone. This chronic condition, primarily affecting women, is often misunderstood and underdiagnosed. But the statistics are staggering – according to the Lipedema Foundation Registry Report, a groundbreaking survey of over 500 individuals with lipedema, a whopping 57% reported experiencing their first symptoms betweenContinue reading “Lipedema Starts Young: 57% First Notice Symptoms as Teens”

My Review of the Jileon Extra Wide Calf Rain Boot. I Learned a TON of Design Hints from Looking at this Boot.

Hi friends! As the LegsLikeMine design and fit team, work with our footwear manufacturer, suppliers, and fit measurements, we continue to learn a lot about what design will work with our lipedema ladies’ feet, ankles and calves.  We are putting the final touches on what materials will go for sampling and even selected the firstContinue reading “My Review of the Jileon Extra Wide Calf Rain Boot. I Learned a TON of Design Hints from Looking at this Boot.”