What’s Your Super Power? You Are More than your Lipedema!

Hi friends! I’m in the office today, working on the book about Lipedema Advocacy today.  As I’ve been researching, I’ve had so many good ideas about how each lipedema patient could contribute to a unified advocacy campaign. I’m thinking of the friends I know in the community with a very wide variety of skills.  HereContinue reading “What’s Your Super Power? You Are More than your Lipedema!”

The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap

Hi Friends! I’ve just returned from my second FDRS conference.  This one was in Atlanta and had numerous patients, therapists, surgeons, clinicians and vendors in attendance.  It’s a great event to learn about all the new research initiatives and outcomes related to fat disorders, of which lipedema is the largest group represented at the conference.Continue reading “The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap”

LegsLikeMine is Heading to the Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference in Atlanta!

Hi friends! I’ve been a busy bee behind the scenes, getting ready to attend the Fat Disorders Resource Society Annual Conference in Atlanta this weekend.  I’m super excited after having attended last year in Cleveland. This conference is so important to the lipedema community.  It’s the only time each year that lipedema patients gather toContinue reading “LegsLikeMine is Heading to the Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference in Atlanta!”

I Don’t Want Lipedema to Take Over my Whole Life!

I think I’m going through all the stages of grief that anyone would feel when they finally get a diagnosis of something like lipedema.  I’ve had it for years, it’s getting worse, I’ve never known what it was, and now I know.  And the conservative treatments can take over my life if I let it:Continue reading “I Don’t Want Lipedema to Take Over my Whole Life!”