Do YOU use a Pneumatic Compression Device for Lipedema and Lymphedema?

Hi friends! If you follow me, you already know that lipedema is a chronic condition that causes abnormal fat accumulation, primarily in the legs, but sometimes also in the arms. While the exact cause remains unknown, it’s thought to be linked to a combination of hormonal, genetic, and lifestyle factors. Lipedema can lead to pain,Continue reading “Do YOU use a Pneumatic Compression Device for Lipedema and Lymphedema?”

The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap

Hi Friends! I’ve just returned from my second FDRS conference.  This one was in Atlanta and had numerous patients, therapists, surgeons, clinicians and vendors in attendance.  It’s a great event to learn about all the new research initiatives and outcomes related to fat disorders, of which lipedema is the largest group represented at the conference.Continue reading “The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap”