Do YOU use a Pneumatic Compression Device for Lipedema and Lymphedema?

Hi friends! If you follow me, you already know that lipedema is a chronic condition that causes abnormal fat accumulation, primarily in the legs, but sometimes also in the arms. While the exact cause remains unknown, it’s thought to be linked to a combination of hormonal, genetic, and lifestyle factors. Lipedema can lead to pain,Continue reading “Do YOU use a Pneumatic Compression Device for Lipedema and Lymphedema?”

How I Got My Pneumatic Compression Pump for Lipedema and Lymphedema, and How I Use Mine

Hi friends! One of my colleagues on the Lipedema Education Group asked me how I got my pump recently.  So I made a video explaining what I went through to obtain one. In a nutshell though, I got a lipedema diagnosis after working with my primary doctor and my surgeon I went for some pre-surgeryContinue reading “How I Got My Pneumatic Compression Pump for Lipedema and Lymphedema, and How I Use Mine”