Why I Made a Lipedema Awareness Program for Girl Scouts – Early Treatment is Key

Hi friends, Did you know I have a badge program for lipedema awareness that can be used for Girl Scouts, Scouts, Campfire, etc.?  This is so important, because if girls can figure out what’s going on with them, their future patients or friends early, they can begin conservative measures early.  All this leads to theContinue reading “Why I Made a Lipedema Awareness Program for Girl Scouts – Early Treatment is Key”

It is Important to Educate Young Women about Lipedema – Don’t Wait Until Your 30’s

Hi there friends! I’ve sent out quite a few LegsLikeMine Girl Scout fun patches this week.  I wanted to take a minute to tell you why this is important to me. Studies show that lipedema symptoms start at or even before puberty, but that it’s not diagnosed until mid 30’s to late 40’s in theContinue reading “It is Important to Educate Young Women about Lipedema – Don’t Wait Until Your 30’s”

Announcing! Girl Scout Badge for Lipedema and Lymphedema Awareness Available Now!

LegsLikeMine has published a badge program for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors to raise awareness of Lipedema and Lymphedema! Girl Scouts is the largest organization for women in the world, with a reach to millions of future medical professionals, scientists, patients and their friends and family.  I hope you enjoy the badge program andContinue reading “Announcing! Girl Scout Badge for Lipedema and Lymphedema Awareness Available Now!”