The 17-Year Delay: Shedding Light on the Diagnostic Odyssey of Lipedema Patients

Hi friends, As I prepare for Lipedema Awareness Month, I’ve been reviewing a document called the First Look Report from the Lipedema Foundation.  These are findings that the LF discovered as they analyzed the Lipedema Registry Survey.  The finding that continues to blow my mind is that women go on average 17 years with symptomsContinue reading “The 17-Year Delay: Shedding Light on the Diagnostic Odyssey of Lipedema Patients”

An Open Letter to All Medical School Deans and Curriculum Committees: Teach Lipedema

Dear Esteemed Deans, As leaders in shaping the future of healthcare, you hold the power to transform the lives of millions of women worldwide who are silently suffering from a condition that has long been overlooked and misunderstood – lipedema. Lipedema, a chronic disorder characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat in the legs andContinue reading “An Open Letter to All Medical School Deans and Curriculum Committees: Teach Lipedema”

Dismissing Known Lipedema Symptoms as Obesity Violates the Hippocratic Oath

Hi friends, this post is intended to share with physicians and healthcare providers, whom you’ve worked with to get a lipedema diagnosis, and have been ignored or gaslighted, despite providing resources such as the Clinician’s Guide to Lipedema from the Lipedema Foundation. Best of luck to you!  Remember if you aren’t being listened to especiallyContinue reading “Dismissing Known Lipedema Symptoms as Obesity Violates the Hippocratic Oath”

The Power of Advocacy: Uplifting the Lipedema Community

Hi friends! As you can tell, I’m gearing up for Lipedema Awareness Month, and I encourage you…ask you, to participate using your skills, interests, and reach. As someone living with lipedema, I know firsthand the challenges this chronic condition can bring. The physical and emotional impacts can be overwhelming, but there is strength in numbers.Continue reading “The Power of Advocacy: Uplifting the Lipedema Community”