Understanding Lipedema, Lymphedema, and Dercum’s Disease

Hi friends, I’ve noticed that a lot of people get these three diseases confused because they are so interrelated.  I thought I’d do a post talking about their similarities and differences that we can refer to when FAQs come up.  Take me, for example.  I have stage III lipedema, which also involves lymphedema having developed. Continue reading “Understanding Lipedema, Lymphedema, and Dercum’s Disease”

I Validate Your Pain: It’s One of the Biggest Symptoms of Lipedema

Hi friends! Today, I want to address a topic that is often overlooked or misunderstood, can’t be seen and maybe…(?) isn’t always believed.  PAIN – the physical pain experienced by those living with lipedema. This chronic condition, characterized by the disproportionate accumulation of fat in the legs and sometimes arms, is WAY more than justContinue reading “I Validate Your Pain: It’s One of the Biggest Symptoms of Lipedema”

Lipedema 101: What is Lipedema?

Hi friends, With our condition affecting around 11% of women, the chances are you know someone who has lipedema.  It might be your mom, sister, daughter, a patient or a friend.  Have you ever seen someone with large, protruding areas of fat on their legs or arms that seems disproportionate to the rest of theirContinue reading “Lipedema 101: What is Lipedema?”