The Elephant in the Room: Addressing the Truth about Swelling in Lipedema. Oh Hell No They Didn’t.

Hey there, my dear friends and fellow lipedema warriors!  Please share this post far and wide in the community right now.   I hope this finds you all doing as well as possible, given the challenges we face with this condition. Today, I want to address something that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately.Continue reading “The Elephant in the Room: Addressing the Truth about Swelling in Lipedema. Oh Hell No They Didn’t.”

Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?

Hi friends! I continue to tackle topics that may help the overall lipedema community.  And the next one is tough. I’m starting work on my next book, “SUGAR MAMA:  A book about sugar addiction and diet, the tabu subjects for lipedema patients who’ve been told it’s not our fault.” I’m going to be telling myContinue reading “Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?”

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Is Athletic Compression (Old Navy) Good Enough for Lipedema?

Hi Friends, here’s a post for you to answer an FAQ. I see this question all the time.  I have lipedema – can I just buy off the shelf athletic (for some reason people ask specifically about Old Navy) compression leggings instead of leggings/stockings designed for medical purposes? Short answer:  Well, I don’t recommend it,Continue reading “Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Is Athletic Compression (Old Navy) Good Enough for Lipedema?”

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Does Compression Really Work? Also, a New Research on Compression is Out.

Hi Friends, I know so many ladies with lipedema and lymphedema.  We are all at various stages of trying to figure out how to manage, or even ignore our lipedema symptoms and hope they’ll go away.  A question I get a lot from those who are just learning about lipedema involves the use of compression. Continue reading “Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Does Compression Really Work? Also, a New Research on Compression is Out.”

Lipedema Friendly Outfit: Fun (and comfy!) Animal Print Dress

Hi Friends! I’ve been seeing this dress pop up on my Facebook feed for a while now and decided to give it a go.  WHY did I wait so long? This dress is super comfortable, and with no belt or any crazy accessories added, I got complements the first time I stepped in public wearingContinue reading “Lipedema Friendly Outfit: Fun (and comfy!) Animal Print Dress”