The First Lipedema Biorepository is in Place – This is a Tremendous Advance in Research

Hi friends! I thought I’d share a little good news I came across today. On January 4, The Lipedema Foundation announced its partnership with Vanderbilt University to advance lipedema research.  Together, they have set up a biorepository for lipedema biological samples at Vanderbilt University Medical Center so that researchers can have a library of samplesContinue reading “The First Lipedema Biorepository is in Place – This is a Tremendous Advance in Research”

Yay! Today is Glitter for Lipedema Day

Hi friends! Many of us have been gearing up for today (December 18), the first Glitter for Lipedema Day.  This fun event was set up by the admins of the Lipedema Friends International Facebook group. For me, I spent more time thinking of what I would do, and being nervous about it than actually justContinue reading “Yay! Today is Glitter for Lipedema Day”

A Magazine Article about LegsLikeMine Footwear Tells My Story of Why I’m Doing This for Us

Hi friends! Take a look at this article in the Physiopod Magazine from February 2023.  Here, I tell all of my story about why I decided to pursue making footwear for us with lipedema. It’s a five minute read that will give you a few relatable chuckles, I’m sure. Lipoedema Ladies in the UK NeededContinue reading “A Magazine Article about LegsLikeMine Footwear Tells My Story of Why I’m Doing This for Us”

Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Does Compression Really Work? Also, a New Research on Compression is Out.

Hi Friends, I know so many ladies with lipedema and lymphedema.  We are all at various stages of trying to figure out how to manage, or even ignore our lipedema symptoms and hope they’ll go away.  A question I get a lot from those who are just learning about lipedema involves the use of compression. Continue reading “Answer to a Frequently Asked Question: Does Compression Really Work? Also, a New Research on Compression is Out.”

Relax Ladies! Controlling Stress Can Slow Lipedema Growth

Hi Friends! Here’s a bit of news for all of us to take to heart:  Chronic stress is terrible for all humans. But for women with lipedema, stress can be a cause of rapid growth of our painful fat tissue, according to a published paper by Donald W. Buck, and the famous lipedema Doctor, Dr.Continue reading “Relax Ladies! Controlling Stress Can Slow Lipedema Growth”