Comfort Meets Style: How LegLikeMine Slingback Loafers Redefine Footwear for Women with Lipedema

✨ Step into comfort and style with our LegLikeMine Slingback Loafers!   These beauties are a game-changer for all the queens out there living with lipedema. We’ve got your back (and your feet!) 🔥 Features that’ll make you swoon: – Extra depth for ultimate comfort – Removable insole for customized fit – Adjustable slingback becauseContinue reading “Comfort Meets Style: How LegLikeMine Slingback Loafers Redefine Footwear for Women with Lipedema”

Answer to a Very Frequently Asked Question: How Did I Find Out I Have Lipedema?

Hey friends, This is a long one but it’s an answer to a question for you…I’m sharing an excerpt from my book Jeans on a Beach Day with you that tells the story of when and how I figured out I had lipedema.  I get asked this ALL the time, especially on podcasts, so IContinue reading “Answer to a Very Frequently Asked Question: How Did I Find Out I Have Lipedema?”

Yay! Today is Glitter for Lipedema Day

Hi friends! Many of us have been gearing up for today (December 18), the first Glitter for Lipedema Day.  This fun event was set up by the admins of the Lipedema Friends International Facebook group. For me, I spent more time thinking of what I would do, and being nervous about it than actually justContinue reading “Yay! Today is Glitter for Lipedema Day”

Interesting Find: Data on How Many Books and Products are on Amazon with the Words Lipedema or Lipoedema vs. some Men’s Conditions

Hi friends, Is anybody out there a little geeky like me and you go down random data rabbit holes sometimes? I’m doing some research today to see how much lipedema in the media has changed since I first wrote Jeans on a Beach Day.  At the time I published it, in April 2022, I onlyContinue reading “Interesting Find: Data on How Many Books and Products are on Amazon with the Words Lipedema or Lipoedema vs. some Men’s Conditions”

LegsLikeMine’s Favorite Things 2023 List Is Here!

2023 was a big year for a lot of us!  We want to celebrate this year’s close with friends and family we keep in our heart all year long.  We’ve done a lot of looking for things that fit us, and delight us, and have found some gifts for YOU and the people you love!Continue reading “LegsLikeMine’s Favorite Things 2023 List Is Here!”

So, I Wrote a 300 Page Book of Lipedema Lady Art in One Day, and It’s Pretty Great!

Hi friends! To get this party started, if you’d like to see the book and even purchase a coffee table version, here’s the link to the book I’m talking about: Now we can start.  I’ve been researching an upcoming set of posts about how society can support women with lipedema.  One of the ideasContinue reading “So, I Wrote a 300 Page Book of Lipedema Lady Art in One Day, and It’s Pretty Great!”

I’m Participating in my First-Ever Triathlon on June 24 for Lipedema Awareness, From a Cruise Ship!

Hi everyone!  I’m doing a triathlon from a cruise ship on June 24.   The Lipedema Triathlon.  June is lipedema awareness month and I’m making plans now for something I can do every day to share awareness about it.  Why?  To help other women who have it but don’t know about lipedema, so they can feelContinue reading “I’m Participating in my First-Ever Triathlon on June 24 for Lipedema Awareness, From a Cruise Ship!”

Sharing with you – work on SUGAR MAMAS is now underway: The connection between sugar consumption and lipedema issues

Hi friends! Our SUGAR MAMAS group who is helping me with some work on my new book for you about sugar addiction and lipedema has started up.  Our gang will be working with a health and wellness coach for the next six months as we learn more about ourselves and how we use sugar, andContinue reading “Sharing with you – work on SUGAR MAMAS is now underway: The connection between sugar consumption and lipedema issues”

Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?

Hi friends! I continue to tackle topics that may help the overall lipedema community.  And the next one is tough. I’m starting work on my next book, “SUGAR MAMA:  A book about sugar addiction and diet, the tabu subjects for lipedema patients who’ve been told it’s not our fault.” I’m going to be telling myContinue reading “Are You a Lipedema Lady who is Addicted to Sugar?”

The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap

Hi Friends! I’ve just returned from my second FDRS conference.  This one was in Atlanta and had numerous patients, therapists, surgeons, clinicians and vendors in attendance.  It’s a great event to learn about all the new research initiatives and outcomes related to fat disorders, of which lipedema is the largest group represented at the conference.Continue reading “The 2023 Fat Disorders Resource Society Conference Did Not Disappoint – A Recap”